by Katie Casaday | Mar 2, 2023 | Automating Doc-Dependent Work, Blog, Improving Work
What is the difference between a DMS (document management software) system and an ECM (enterprise content management) system? That’s one of the most common questions we get from people who are looking to implement technology that will streamline their processes. Both...
by Katie Casaday | Mar 2, 2023 | Accounting, Blog, Security & Compliance
What Are Profiles and How Do They Impact Automated Data Extraction?? Every document you upload to Revver has a profile. A profile is the essential data from a document — it’s what makes it important and essential to your business. Profiles are also your key to making...
by Katie Casaday | Mar 2, 2023 | Blog, Digital Transformation
Manufacturing information systems assist companies in creating artificial intelligence that simply cannot be acquired through other methods. These multi-use systems are integral to many industries, including fashion, manufacturing, printing, packaging, hotel and...
by Katie Casaday | Mar 2, 2023 | Blog, Digital Transformation, Improving Work
The following information is a breakdown of actual costs by a water utility company. This company has been using paper files since their inception almost 100 years ago. One of the largest issues that this company faced was lost documents needed for regular business...
by Katie Casaday | Mar 2, 2023 | Blog, Digital Transformation, Improving Work
Every 30 seconds, 1.2 million dollars is generated online. The internet forever changed the way that the world does business, and it opened doors for countless companies to work internationally in a way that was simply not practical before. But with all the new...
by Katie Casaday | Mar 1, 2023 | Accounting, Blog, Security & Compliance
One of the most requested and needed aspects of a digital document management system is assurance that sensitive files, especially those that contain client information, can be stored in a secure and compliant manner. Brandon Dunbar is an operation manager with the...